To activate chrome cheats bring down the console with tilde key [~] tybe the following
cheats and confirm with ENTER
cheat.godmode()<>God mode
cheat.fullhealth()<>Full health
cheat.tuneweapons()<>Improves weapons in the inventory
cheat.tuneimplants()<>Improves implants
cheat.nextmission()<>Skip to next mission
cheat.give[weapon]()<>Give a weapon or an item, for example: cheat.givegrenade()
cheat.giveammo[ammo]()<>Gives a specific ammunition.for example: cheat.giveammo9mmshort()
Item names: MatsonACC, Nonfrager, C9S, C9A5, MatsonCAFS, TC234sup, BjornHD,
TC234, Knife, Grenade, Healtex, Cloakingdevice
you can find the full and ammunition list in the file \chrome\javachromegame\