Connot cheat from this server fix

This trick will exploit a fatal erro when applying "+set developer 1 +set sv_cheats 1"
command line parameter, if you get the "you connot cheat on the server" message. After starting
thr game with that command line parameter,select a new game (or "resume" a current game and the
cheat should work). set the level and start it. Then, save the game and exit out back to windows.
Restart thr game and select "resume". Donot manually select a game to load. Allyou need to
do is "resume" your current game

Cheat codes

Start the game with the "+set developer 1 +set sv_cheats 1" commnad line paramenter.
Then while playing a game press ~ to display the console windows. Enter one af the following codes
at the console window to activate the corresponding cheat function. Repaet a code to disable its effect

god<>God mode

give health<>Full health

give all<>get all items

ammo<>Extra ammunition give

notarget<>Ignored by enemy

noclip<>No clipping mode

ufo<>Fly mode

debug [0-1]<>Toggle debug mode

developer [0-1]<>Toggle developer mode

jumptonode<>Teleport to a specific map node

map [map name]<>Play indicated map

give [item name]<>Spawn indicated item

cvarlist<>List all cvars

cvardump<>Dump all cvars to console

cvar_restart<>Rest all cvars

cmdlist<>List all console commands

shaderlist<>List all shaders of current map

imagelist<>List all images of current map

snd_list<>List all sounds currently used

entitylist<>List all entities currently used

bindlist<>List all currently bound keys

gfxinfo<>View grahics information

kill<>Commit suicide

savegame<>Save game

loadgame<>Load saved game

rest [number]<>Reset variable to default value

cinematic<>Play a cinematic file

cg_crosshairalpha [number]<>Set crosshair transparency, default is 1.0.

g_gravity [number]<>Set gravity value, default is 800.

cg_hudalpha [number]<>Set HUD transparency, default is 1.00

ai_corpsecount [number]<>Set seconds that dead bodies remain on-screen

cg_shellshock [number]<>Set shellshock duration

g_gameskill [number]<>Set skill level

g_knockback [number]<>Set weapon knocback power, default is 1000

timescale [number]<>Set game speed, 0.5 is half speed, 1 is default

cg_showmiss[0 or 1]<>Show miss distance when hitting NPCs

testmodel [model name]<>Spawn indicated model

cl_paused 2<>Free movement while paused

cl_paused 0<>Return to nomal paused screen

g_ai[0 or 1]<>Toggle AI

g_debugbullets[0 or 1]<>Toggle bullet debug mode

cg_marks[0 or 1]<>Toggle bullet marks

con_debug[0 or 1]<>Toggle console debugging

cg_drawcrosshair[0 or 1]<>Toggle crosshair

cg_brass[0 or 1]<>Toggle ejecting shells

g_drawentbboes v[0 or 1]<>Toggle entity bounding boxes

r_fog[0 or 1]<>Toggle fog

cg_drawfps[0 or 1]<>Toggle framerate display

fx_draw[0 or 1]<>Toggle FX

fx_debug[0 or 1]<>Toggle FX debugging

fx_freeze[0 or 1]<>Toggle FX freezing

fx_enable[0 or 1]<>Toggle fx. if set to 0, fx will be disabled

cg_drawtimer[0 or 1]<>Toggle game timer

g_debugshowhit[0 or 1]<>Toggle hit debug mode

cg_drawstatus[0 or 1]<>Toggle HUD

cg_draw2d[0 or 1]<>Toggle HUD and crosshair

cg_letterbox[0 or 1]<>Toggle letterbox format

g_debugdamage[0 or 1]<>Toggle NPC health display

r_drawworld[0 or 1]<>Toggle objects and backgrounds

r_drawentities[0 or 1]<>Toggle objects and NPCs

g_debugmove[0 or 1]<>Toggle player and AI movement debug mode

cl_debugmove[0 or 1]<>Toggle player and AI movement debugging

cg_norender[0 or 1]<>Toggle rendring

cg_shadows[0 or 1]<>Toggle shadows

g_spawnia[0 or 1]<>Toggle spawning

cg_subtitles[0 or 1]<>Toggle subtitles

cg_thirdperson[0 or 1]<>Toggle third person view

g_vehicledebug[0 or 1]<>Toggle vehicle debug mode

r_showtris[0 or 1]<>Toggle wireframe mode

Map names

Use one of the following values with the "map [map name]" code

bastonge1<>Mission 1 - Bastogne 1

foy<>Mission 3 -Foy

bastogne2<>Mission 2 - Bastogne 2

noville<>Mission 4 - Noville

bomber<>Mission 5 - Bomer

trainbridge<>Mission 6 - Train bridge

sicily1<>Mission 7 - Sicily 1

trenches<>Mission 9 -Trenches

ponyri<>Mission 10 - ponyri

sicily2<>Mission 8 - Sicily 2

kursk<>Mission 11 - Kursk

kharkov1<>Mission 12 - Kharkov 1

kharkov2<>Mission 13 - Kharkov 2
