Start spillet med komandolinjen "zanzarah\system\zanzarah.exe" -console

Tryk F11 i spillet, og indtast en af snydekoderne

duel victory<>Fairy vindue nuværende kamp

item<0-73><>Få valgt ting

wizform<0-76><>Få valgt fairy

spell<0-119><>Få valgt spell

video<>Afspil video-sekvenser

help<>Vis konsol kommandoer


Brug nedenstående ting med item koden

0<>Small Health

1<>Medium Health

2<>Large Health

3<>Healing Leaf

4<>Fairy Coin

5<>Test Amulet



8<>Fairy Horn

9<>Amulet of Experience

10<>Clover Leaf

11<>Test Amulet

12<>Reserved Magic Card

13<>Golden Carrot

14<>Reserved Magic Card

15<>Ocean Conch

16<>Pixie Bag

17<>Silver Sphere

18<>Golden Sphere

19<>Crystal Sphere

20<>Carlic Atomizer

21<>Catacomb Key

22<>Heavy Iron Key

23<>Key of the guardian of Pixies

24<>Rufus House Key

25<>Key to Dwarf Factory

26<>Quilin´s Staff Of Rule

27<>Key to the Town hall

28<>Rune of return

29<>Rune of the Fairy Garden

30<>Rune of Tiralin

31<>Run of Dunmore

32<>Rune of Dwarf Tower

33<>Rune of the Cave World

34<>Rune of the Ice World

35<>Rune of the Realm of Clouds

36<>Rune of the Shadow Realm

37<>Rune of the Cottage Rune

38<>Forest Rune II

39<>Swamp Rune II

40<>Mountain Rune II

41<>Cave Rune II

42<>Sky Rune II

43<>Dark Rune II

44<>Fairy Corel of Air

45<>Fairy Corel of Earth

46<>Fairy Corel of Fire

47<>Fairy Corel of Nature

48<>Fairy Corel of PSI Magic

49<>Reserved Magic Card

50<>Reserved Magic Card

51<>Evolutionary Magic of Air

52<>Evolutionary Magic of Fire

53<>Evolutinary Magic of Nature

54<>Elemental Key of Fire

55<>Elemental Key of Air

56<>Elemenatal Key of Nature

57<>Elemenatal Key of Earth

58<>Book of Fairies

59<>Fairy Bag

60<>Mana Potion

61<>Molding Magic

62<>Map of the Fairy Garden

63<>Map of the Enchanted Forest

64<>Map of the Mountain World

65<>Map of the Dark Swamp

66<>Map of the Shadow Realm

67<>Map of the Realm of Clouds

68<>Resereved Magic Card

69<>Reserved Magic Card

70<>Tools of the Dwarfs

71<>Red Bone Key

72<>Green Bone Key

73<>Blue Bone Key
